However, the budget software MyMicroBalance also includes so-called VIP features, which are features that go beyond the normal scope of the programme. A license key, which is available in our online shop for a few Euros, is necessary to gain access to the aforementioned VIP features. This key ensures access to all additional features. The license key is how this project is financed and it allows us to integrate new features, supply support services and operate the website.
Once you enter your license key you will get rid of the advertising window. You will be able to use the full available space inside of the windows to keep track of you budget.
A balance at the end of the month may give information about the current account balance, but the more interesting question is what has happened to your funds during the month. The easiest way to find out is a graphic display.
3D Power, which can be fully rotated and zoomed, is merely one of the many new features. Additionally the programme offers new analysis options and the diagrams allow a comparison of different months. This means the income and the expenses of two separate months can be juxtaposed. All new features are described in our video.
Once you have independently increased the number of columns in MyMicroBalance, you will often find that you need more room to view the entire line of a specific entry. This special feature allows you to switch between a horizontal and vertical view, thereby giving you a better overview.
The license key enables the editing of certain values – such as amount, name or cluster – directly in the display itself. Simply click on the respective row to change the value.
As of now all license key owners can sort and cluster all values in a specific column according to arbitrary criteria. You would, for instance, like to see all entries from the foods group? All you need to do is click on the field below the respective column headline and filter all the entries tagged as “food” with that one single click.
You can filter arbitrary values in the budget overview. The bottom line will instantly adapt to the filtered entries and displays the total sum of all selected entries.
By clicking the right mouse button on any menu icon, the icon can be copied into the so-called “quick-start bar”. This means you can create your own individual “micro menu” that includes all the features you use most frequently. Now you simply minimise the main menu (via a right-click and then selecting “minimise ribbon”), which means you know have the entire display to view the income and expenses window! You changes are automatically saved in your file. Thus your budget book will look exactly how you designed it when you start MyMicroBalance the next time.
Moving menu icons up to the quick-start bar
The selected features are now available as small symbols at the top.
Click on “minimise ribbon” to reduce the menu to its minimum size
No! A valid license key guarantees you automatic access to all new VIP features of future versions!